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Android Knowledge consists of six categories regarding android. You will find useful articles in every category, please choose according to your requirements.


Android is a free open-source operating system that is used for building mobile android applications.

Java is an object-oriented high-level programming language. With the help of java, we can build mobile apps as well as software.

Kotlin is declared as the official language for Android. It is used for developing mobile applications efficiently.

We will create beautiful UI designs for our applications with the help of eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

Work smart, not hard. In this section, you will gain some tips and insights to optimize the code as well as your profile.
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Bottom Navigation Bar in Android Studio using Java – Bottom Navigation View Bottom Navigation Bar The Bottom Navigation Bar is…

Navigation Drawer in Android Studio using Java Navigation Drawer Navigation Drawer is a side menu panel that consists of different…

Firebase is a service to applications, it provides hosting, NoSQL storage, real-time databases, social authentication, notification, and other services.

The login page is used for authentication purposes in the applications. We required a firstly sign-up page where users will…

We have created a simple calculator app in android studio which is entirely beginner friendly. It performs basic operations such…

The login page is used for authentication purposes in the applications. We required a firstly sign-up page where users will…

The intent is used for switching from one activity to another activity. It navigates from one screen to another screen…

A floating action button is a type of button that can be placed anywhere on the screen. It's usually round…

DatePicker is a type of input field that allows users to select the date from the calendar. You usually see…