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UI Design

Android is a free open-source operating system that is used for building mobile android applications.

Java is an object-oriented high-level programming language. With the help of java, we can build mobile apps as well as software.

Kotlin is declared as the official language for Android. It is used for developing mobile applications efficiently.

We will create modern UI designs for our applications with the help of XML & Jetpack Compose.

In this section, you will gain some tips and insights to optimize the performance of your code as well as your resume.
Why You Should Become An Android Developer?
Here are three promising reasons to become an Android Developer:
✔ Mobile applications will never die instead they will boost in the future and there will be a requirement for an Android Developer.
✔ There are 2.5 billion active android users and 3.4 million android applications on Google Playstore, the community is vast and so does the need of resources.
✔ It pays you a lot. According to indeed.com, the average salary of an Android Developer in the USA is $125,773. You can earn by publishing your app or working for clients.

Check My Applications On Google Play
Steps to become Android Developer
- Learn a Language - Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
- Explore Android Studio IDE.
- Android Basics - Activity, Views, Intents, Gradle, Emulator, Toasts, Manifest and Debugging.
- Kotlin Basics - Variables, Loops, Classes, Functions, OOP Concepts and Null Safety.
- Jetpack Compose Basics - Composable, Layouts, Modifiers, State, UI Components, Navigation Component, and List.
- Projects - Hello World App, To-Do List App, Calculator App, Weather App, BMI Calculator, Quiz App, Unit Converter.
- Activity Lifecycles.
- Libraries and Plugins.
- Git and GitHub.
- MVVM, Live Data, View Model.
- Room Database and Firebase.
- API, Retrofit, JSON Parsing, Coroutines, Dependency Injection.
- State Management, Lazy Column, Lazy Row, Custom UI Components, Custom Navigation, Nested Graph, Deep Links and KMP Basics.
- Projects - Notes App, News App, Recipe App, Expense Tracker App, Fitness Tracker App.
- Custom Layouts, Animations, State Hoisting, Material Theming.
- DSLs, Sealed Class, Flows, CI/CD, Clean Architecture and Performance Optimization.
- KMP Shared UI and Shared Database.
- Unit Testing and UI Testing.
- Projects - E-Commerce App, Wear OS, Movie Streaming App, ML AI Apps, Chat App, and Cross Platform App.
Android Developer
- Submit your app to Google Playstore.
- Create apps for clients.
- App Marketing.
- Insert Ads in your app and Earn!

Welcome to Android Knowledge!
I am an experienced Android developer committed to sharing knowledge and helping others grow in the field of Android Development.
My mission is to simplify complex topics, presenting them in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your skills, my content is designed to support your journey in mastering Android Development.
Join me on this journey to master Android development—one step at a time!