Android Roadmap
This Android Development Roadmap starts with Kotlin basics, progressing to advanced topics like Jetpack Compose and KMM. It emphasizes gradual learning with hands-on projects.

Steps to become Android Developer
- Learn a Language - Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
- Explore Android Studio IDE.
- Android Basics - Activity, Views, Intents, Gradle, Emulator, Toasts, Manifest and Debugging.
- Kotlin Basics - Variables, Loops, Classes, Functions, OOP Concepts and Null Safety.
- Jetpack Compose Basics - Composable, Layouts, Modifiers, State, UI Components, Navigation Component, and List.
- Projects - Hello World App, To-Do List App, Calculator App, Weather App, BMI Calculator, Quiz App, Unit Converter.
- Activity Lifecycles.
- Libraries and Plugins.
- Git and GitHub.
- MVVM, Live Data, View Model.
- Room Database and Firebase.
- API, Retrofit, JSON Parsing, Coroutines, Dependency Injection.
- State Management, Lazy Column, Lazy Row, Custom UI Components, Custom Navigation, Nested Graph, Deep Links and KMP Basics.
- Projects - Notes App, News App, Recipe App, Expense Tracker App, Fitness Tracker App.
- Custom Layouts, Animations, State Hoisting, Material Theming.
- DSLs, Sealed Class, Flows, CI/CD, Clean Architecture and Performance Optimization.
- KMP Shared UI and Shared Database.
- Unit Testing and UI Testing.
- Projects - E-Commerce App, Wear OS, Movie Streaming App, ML AI Apps, Chat App, and Cross Platform App.
Android Developer
- Submit your app to Google Playstore.
- Create apps for clients.
- App Marketing.
- Insert Ads in your app and Earn!